Exhibitors 2017

Result for TAG "Music & Sound"

Brain and heart, bones and muscles, lungs, breast and uterus, they all hide fascinating melodies. the electro-medical devices technology allows us to listen …
  D46 (pav. 6)

Duilio Peroni, Erica Curti, Francesca Mottola
"Looking for Thin Match Man": "plugged" reading combines thinking, creativity and technology into creating an interactive book.

Marco Rampin
The first and only Pro Head Amp for musical electric instuments based on the vacuum tubes class D AmpDiVa technology.

ArtiMe Roma Laboratorio Arti&Mestieri Coworking Artigiani.
Old textile frame and conductive wire,Arduino led ceramic lamps,Recycled art Jewelry creation,and musical instruments sound emitters.

Nagasai Sreyash Sola
Vibration and rotation based distance sensing blind cane/cap with sensors help blind to avoid obstacles and navigate surroundings.

Alvaro Passeri
It is a crazy orchestra, composed of an animated skeleton that plays a particular acoustic drum and I, the creator, who sounds the instruments no one ever dreams of playing.

Bare Conductive
Bare Conductive makes sensing tools for engineers, designers, and makers. Come to our stand for a chance to play with our demos and see what you can make when you combine Electric Paint with the Touch Board and Pi Cap!

Marco Lattanzi Antinori, Emiliano Diaferia
Our goal is to give a new life to vintage household appliances now turned into amazing audio devices.

The food maker area at the European Maker Faire Rome, invites to to go on a journey around the whole food value chain and introduces you to the protagonists of the food maker movement.The Food Maker Area at the European Maker Faire offers makers and the general public a vast array of events, conferences, workshops, laboratories, and projects destined to change the world of food, overseen by our Future Food, the Bolognese trust dedicated to food and innovation. Some examples? Automated greenhouses that can be managed with a click, 3D food printers, sensors for decoding the content of foods, plus special dishes like seaweed and insects that might just rock our culinary worlds. But innovation and technology literally came together where food is king: the kitchen!

INDEXLAB: Pierpaolo Ruttico, Gabriele Viscardi, Carlo Beltracchi, Salvatore Urso, Marco Guarany
This project aims to rethink the conventional static architectural space through a combination of non-standard geometries and interactive responses.

Massimiliano Cerioni
“Metastring” is an augmented electroacoustic monochord. Cerioni and A3DLab will employ 3D modelling and printing to design an alternative prototype.

Silvio Scena
Modular Musical Instrument. Each module (12 dynamic keys ) can be assembled with others composing a full piano keyboard.

Edoardo Taori
Plants Play is a pocket device that allows you to listen to the Music generated by Plants and Trees. Through two electrodes settled on the leaves, Plants Play converts electric plant variations into music notes, and send them by bluetooth on your smartphone.

Alessandro Cives
The Tonal Ruler helps to identify the notes that are needed to perform or even to the composition of a musical track whose tonality has changed by necessity.

Dmitry Vasilenko, Maksim Masalski, MRobot Team mrobot.by
RoboCards -an electronic DIY-postcards for present and for creation. RoboCards it is eye-catching and imaginative electronic postcards kits that can be assembled without glue or soldering.

Istituto Tecnico per il settore Tecnologico "G. Marconi" classi 4° e 5° elettrotecnica-elettronica
Four androids form a musical band composed of: drum, keyboard, guitar and bass. An androide dancer dancing.

Carolina Valli
Assistive musical instrument that allows people with limited motor skills to express using rhythmic patterns or audio sequences

Commercial proposals about the television season with sports, movies, TV series, news, art, documentaries and programs for the family. This is the programming p …

Giovanni Marelli, Elvis Borghetti, Cristian Ziggioni, Monica Corraini
Wooden sensation of music, violins and loudspeakers made by the same materials with new electronics in multipurpose opensource listening space

Classe 5H a.s. 2017/18 - Indirizzo: Manutenzione a assistenza tecnica - Articolazione: Elettronica - I.I.S.S. "Agherbino" Putignano (Ba) sede di Noci
This project is a “no-touch” musical instrument playing musical notes by the “musician’s” hand motion only.
  C23 (pav. 4)

Soun maker
The Ultrasound sound system uses an ultrasonic technology instead of physical buttons to control the various functionalities of the reader.
Data updated on 2024-05-13 - 11.24.21 am